The Subtle Implications of “Transference-Love” (2021)
The Ubiquitous Screen, the Swelling of the Imaginary, and 21st Century Suffering (2019)*
Psychoanalysis against Normalization (2018)
Book Review: Lacan on Love, by Bruce Fink (2017)
A Few Preliminary Thoughts on Relational Psychoanalysis (2017)
Response to Kernberg’s 1978 “Structural Derivatives of Object Relations” (2013)
Humbert, Nabokov and the Ego Ideal (2012)
Death Drive and Anxiety Dreams: Revisiting Freud’s Dream Book (2012)
Guilt and Internalization in Freud and Winnicott (2011)
The Dynamics of Freud’s Two Principles of Mental Functioning (2011)
* winner of 2019 Gradiva Award